
Seeing by the Light: Illumination in Augustine’s and Barth’s Readings of John is unavailable, but you can change that!

How can we understand God’s revelation to us? Throughout the church’s history, theologians have often answered this question by appealing to a doctrine of illumination whereby the Holy Spirit shapes our knowledge and understanding of Scripture. Without denying the role of the Holy Spirit or the cognitive role of illumination, Ike Miller casts a broader vision of divine illumination and its role...

cognitive and affective aspects of illumination.7 Drawing on the work of Karl Barth, we will make the case that subjective revelation is inextricably bound up with Christ’s work of reconciliation and the Spirit’s work of regeneration.8 In this way, illumination is not purely epistemological. Illumination is also a matter of cognitively and affectively “coming to see the light of Christ” and, ultimately, participating in it. In order to fully clarify the intersection of revelation and regeneration
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